Thursday, May 22, 2014

Promoting Surabaya Zoo ( KBS )



Thursday, 22 May 2014


Surabaya Zoo known as KBS or Kebun Binatang Surabaya. It is the largest zoo and complete in Southeast Asia and divided to some places for birdsm freshwater aquarium and brina, quarantine Toxidemi, night animal (nocturama) and various mamals (mammal).

In Special plave, there is also porpoise (pesut mahakan) and mermaid. Surabaya Zoo is lies in central of Surabaya, specifically located in Setail Street 1 Surabaya (Wonokromo - beside Joyoboyo station area).

Surabaya zoo is very large zoo and complete, it is in it are dwelt more than 351 composing diffrent animal species more than 2806 animals. Include Indonesia rarest animal and also world consisted of Mammalian, Aves, Reptile, and Pisces.

But this zoo less noticed by the people in Surabaya. We should start promotion the Surabaya Zoo or KBS.

So Surabaya Zoo can be more cleaner, more visitors and more good. Come And Visit Surabaya Zoo! only in Surabaya.